Five Little Household Items I Can’t Live Without!
Hey friends! This post is all about the five little household items I can’t live without. It isn’t my normal DIY post, and I am hoping by sharing a couple of these favs with you, we will prevent some unwanted DIY projects…you will see what I am talking about!
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Light timers – Most commonly used during the holidays – so us lazy folks don’t have to crawl on our hands and knees under the Christmas tree to plug/unplug the tree lights, trying to keep from knocking over the tree. I like to have one living room light attached to a timer because I don’t like coming home or down stairs to a dark room…….so I set my timer to come on just before I get up and back off after I leave for work. Back on again in the evening and off just after bed time……………So I am too lazy to get up and turn the light on an off…….don’t judge!

Drain Screen – this little contraption “helps” in my fight against clogged drains. Honestly I thought these days were behind me after moving out of our 100 year old house with old drains that were probably corroded to the drain hole size of a needle. Boy was I wrong! We have lived in this house for just under two years and I have already cleaned out the drain of the shower (more than once). You would think I was going bald by the amount of hair I loose each day! Without going into too much detail about my showering process, I will share with you that when washing my hair….well, I am a hair “waller”. Picking all the loose hairs off my hands and sticking them on the wall attempting to keep them from washing down the drain. Those of you that do this, you know what I am talking about! Even with my hair “walling” technique, I still miss a few loose hairs that try to go slithering down the drain. This awesome little screen helps keep them out! I love that it can be formed to fit most any type of drain.

Drain Cleaner Outer – Otherwise known as the Drain Zip-It tool! When I loose the fight I described above, I whip out this awesome, wicked tool. I must have missed this episode of Shark Tank, but this inventors story has to be “I’m the husband of a wife and 3 long haired girls!” This tool will drag anything that slid down the drain out! I bet you could even hook a diamond ring if that were the treasure you were searching for in your drain! Let me tell you a diamond ring has to be better than a hair clog…………..that’s all I have to say about that!! Other than it really WORKS!!!!

Toothpaste pusher – I don’t know why I think I have to squeeze every last drop of toothpaste out of the tube, but it is a goal of mine to ensure I have used all of it! I can tell you when the kids were still at home, I had some pet peeves in this department. One of them topping the list……squeezing the tube in the middle causing tooth paste to go in all sorts of directions. Worst of all, back to the end that I so diligently worked the day prior to get all flattened out, folded up and moved to the dispensing end of the tube…………all to be un-done in one SQUEEZE by some kid that didn’t want to brush their teeth in the first place!!! This little gadget saves the day!

Lotion applicator for your back – I know right?! If you can apply lotion to your entire back all by yourself, I want to know your trick! Until then, I am sharing mine. All you have to do is squirt some lotion right in the middle – hold your breath a little (lotion is cold)……….and apply to your back side! How slick is that?!

There you have it! Five little items that keep me happy!
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