Antique Farmhouse Scale
I have been wanting a 3 tier stand for my kitchen island for a long time. I think they are adorable and would be so fun to decorate for the seasons. Problem #1 – I can’t bring myself to pay what they want for these bad boys!

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So an Antique Farmhouse Scale it is for me!!!
I am all about “switching gears” when something I love strikes me! So it was a GOOD day when I received the email from Antique Farm House with this little beauty! If you haven’t heard of their site you need to check it out! I have purchased some really cool things from them (all reproductions but still cool!)

{photo credit Antique Farm House website}
On Friday my package arrived!! I had lots to do when I got home from work, (clean the house for company over the weekend, go to the store, help my buddy scrape popcorn ceilings), but first things first, this Antique Farmhouse Scale needs to be put out and styled for a little photo shoot!!!

EEEKKK!!! I was so excited to get this sucker out of the box and start styling!! (I’m so weird!!) Really, wouldn’t you rather do this then go to the grocery store, clean or scrape popcorn ceilings? I thought so!!!

I think the scale is the prefect piece for my island (which is next on the “makeover” list) *wink* *wink* don’t tell Mike. I think a 3 tiered tray like I “thought” I wanted would look too thick for this space. I like the airiness of the scale, it is the perfect “balance”……..haha, I’m so funny!

I wish you could see the little measuring spoons up close, yes I said measuring spoons they look like measuring cups but they are tiny. The smallest one measures 2 Tablespoons, there is a 3 Tablespoon cup and a 1/4 cup…….I just love little things <–again, I might be a little weird!

There you have it, this is what was in that box that I was so excited to share with all of you!!
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I have been eyeing this guy for a while! This is the best price I have seen anywhere! <3
I absolutely love it!!!
PS- I even love that it is a knock off and does not actually move! It would drive me nuts if I had to work so hard to keep both sides weighted evenly!