Simple Makeover for an Old Piano Bench
Hey everyone!! I am worried I scared the hell out of you with my Upholstery 101 and Reupholstery, it’s harder than you think posts!! So I thought I would talk a little about this piano bench that I recently recovered, thinking I could lure you back in with it’s simplicity!

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Sometimes I try to think back to when my love of junking actually began and don’t know that I can really pin point an exact time, however I do remember when I found this little gem! My old neighbor Jen and I were in a neighboring town (my memory isn’t good enough to recall why) what I do remember is she and I cruising down the street when we spotted what appeared to be a pile of trash on the side of the road. BREAKS ON…………car slows………..scanning trash pile begins. Circle around the block for another view…………..slowly…………spot treasures………..STOP! Load car, speed off as if we just stole something, laughing all the way!!!

In that pile of trash (to the previous owner)……….this beauty!!! I don’t have an original picture of it (I didn’t blog and document my every move back then) but I can tell you it was kinda of rough, I mean it was in the trash! The legs have been painted and seat recovered several times over the years and most recently I saved it from one of Mike’s garage cleaning issues. (aka……the fire).

This piano bench has always been at the end of our bed. I love having it at the end of the bed for a couple of reasons. For one, our little clothes eating Shorkie Cody needs help getting on and off the bed at night after his “closet snacks” (really need to find him a new past time!) and I need a place to sit to put on my socks……..(balance exits your body as you age). The site of me dancing (more like hoping, flopping, twerking) around the room attempting to put on one sock is less funny and more of a health concern these days so a bench is now medically necessary in our master bedroom!

I wanted the bench to match the night stands I recently up-cycled by giving it a fresh coat of crisp white paint. Easy enough!

I am not going to go into the gory details of how to upholster the seat, I think you can find better “how-to-guides” online. After all everything they tell you on the internet is true…………and easy! I will however tell you projects like these are the way to start practicing your upholster skills.

You may have seen on my Instagram page (wait, you don’t follow me?) you can by clicking here – any who…….I posted my latest passion/quest! Deconstructed furniture! I am out to find a French Bergere Arm Chair to make my own deconstructed piece!
Until then……..happy DIY!
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