Add Your Favorite Recipe to a Tea Towel

I told you about one of my favorite holiday traditions in the Farmhouse Kitchen at Christmas post. Annual cookie day was even more special this year because of our special guest Ava! She didn’t help much, but she did get her first taste of our favorite Sugar Cookies!
(Sorry Mom and Whitney for posting this picture again)

I’ll show you how I made this tea towel for mom, now she can display our favorite recipe for everyone to enjoy during the holidays. Hey Mom, maybe they will write it down and you won’t have to make them any more?! Probably not!

This project begins with this recipe that belonged to my Step-Dad’s mother, Christine. I never did get to meet her, but if she was half as sweet as her sugar cookies, I bet she was a real gem!
Mom is pretty protective of this special recipe card, hand written by Christine over 60 years ago. I had to practically pry it out of her hands when I asked to borrow it. She made me promise her I would bring it back in the same condition she loaned it to me in!
Items Needed:
Glass window and a bright day
Tea Towel
Sharpie (with a sharp tip)
Favorite Recipe
Copier or office supply store

I started by enlarging the recipe card to the desired size. I used our home printer and enlarged the recipe card to about 150%.

I needed the print dark enough to see through the tea towel when I traced it so I used a fine point sharpie to darken the font on my “copy” then I taped it to the sliding glass door at a comfortable height so I could trace it.

Next, fold your tea towel so only the area you want to add the recipe to is exposed. Next carefully tape the towel to the window covering the copied recipe card.
Word of Caution – be sure to keep your tea towel pulled tight as you trace the recipe card. If not your copied words will look distorted.

To keep your transfer from washing away try washing the tea towel in very cold water with 1/2 cup of iodized salt. The salt prevents the color from bleeding. Add 1 cup of vinegar to the rinse cycle in order to further set the print and prevent the marker from fading.

This is a very simple project that even kids could help with. Be sure to pin this idea, so you have it for next year! And if you are really loving what I do, follow me on Pinterest for more fun DIY ideas and inspirations.

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I love the tea towel my Jodi made for me. Every time I look at it many, many memories come flooding back!! Our “Christmas Cookie Day” has a long history and not all of those days were pleasant!!!! They started when Jodi was very young and I made her sit at the stove and make Krum Kaka with me.and we would make cut out cookies, etc. Neither one of us were excited about making the cookies but I’d tell Jodi that we were starting a “Tradition” and that some day she would love looking back on these days. Then came marriages, grandchildren and now I have great grandchildren!!!! Many, Many Blessings! Jodi and I still don’t like making Christmas cookies but we do it because it’s “Tradition”!!!! Grand kids are all adults now and busy with jobs and not enough time or interest but there was a day that they sat on my kitchen table in diapers and frosted cookies, then as they got older, they stood on stools and helped us add ingredients and stir. Next year, we will have Daxten and Ava helping with the stirring and frosting!!!! I can’t wait!!!!! Our Tradition continues……………..