A New Coat of Paint for the She Shed
This new shed is going to be the bomb!! You helped us pick the design in the Time for a Shed post and helped to choose the color of her paint coat here. Let’s talk about the new coat of paint this girl got! When I asked for votes between forbidden red or a gray paint similar to the color of our house, opinions were pretty much split 50/50, so I threw in my vote and forbidden red won! Oh yeah, I did have one vote for pink – thanks Tabetha, I am afraid we might get kicked out of the neighborhood for that one! The first gallon of forbidden red I brought home was just that, forbidden! Or it should have been – I could suggest a better name for that color, forbidden MAGENTA!! I headed back to the store and had them mix up a new color, red pepper. Much better! No more magenta and we love the color!
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I have been calling it my “she shed” because it’s cute, but it really will serve a purpose. As Mike says, a place to keep all the junk I drag home <– I call that junk projects! My amazing husband took this photo and built our shed (with NO plans mind you)!

Looking good – wouldn’t you agree! Mike has done an amazing job building this shed from scratch, I helped him a little along the way, mostly being his gopher when he was on a ladder! I actually used power tools on this project! See, I even have pictures to prove I helped!

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I have partnered with Wagner Spray Tech to make the reveal possible. I am also super pumped to tell you that paint sprayers are no longer my enemy, I may have actually learned to love them! I know, those are some pretty strong words!
Years ago I used a paint sprayer and it was a huge dripping paint MESS and I swore I would NEVER use one again!! Not only was this thing messy, it continued to clog, it was heavy, loud and ended up getting thrown in a pile of construction trash, I think you get the point, I wasn’t ever using one again!
Never say never! I watched a Wagner Flexio Paint Sprayer demonstration this spring at the Haven Conference in Atlanta and whoop, whoop – I was sold!

I have to admit, I don’t like to do any paint “prep”, meaning when I am painting a room with my throw away brush I never tape, so the idea of taping off all this white trim made my skin crawl just a little. Good news, since we were still in the building process I was able to lay all the trim on saw horses and paint them with no taping involved! It took me longer to lay them all out on the saw horses than the 20 minutes it took to spray all of them! I did try to paint the soffit and fascia boards and with the paint sprayer and found it difficult to use while painting above my head, so I gave up and reverted to my paint brush for that part. (later I learned my frustration was due to inexperience and maybe a lack of patience).
Since we hadn’t installed the siding yet and I had already hand painted the soffit and fascia boards, I thought it would be a good idea to lay all the siding in the garage and only paint the top foot of each sheet. Remember – I don’t like taping – thought this would eliminate that process – it did this time. However, when it is time for a new coat years down the road, I will have to pack my patients and learn some new taping skills!

Painting the siding was AWESOME, I mean it was so easy with the Wagner Flexio Sprayer that I think someone that hates painting might really like it. No worries – it still looks magenta in the picture below, I assure you it is NOT!

When filling the paint tank you should always disconnect paint sprayer from the air hose tank……………. I learned this lesson the hard (messy) way! Lucky for me most of the paint ended up on the grass and not on me.

You all know how much I despise cleaning paint brushes right? Yep, so much so that I toss them out when I am done painting. Yeah, well when Wagner told me how easy the Flexio 890 is to clean up, I thought I’ll be the judge of that! I have to say, cleaning it takes some patients (something I don’t have) but it really is pretty easy to clean. It would be even better if I had a utility sink………..maybe that will be another project I can add to our list of many.

Now that the “She Shed” has her new pretty red coat, she is all ready for winter and to get filled up with storage goodies!!! Our new shed measures 12″x 16″ and when it is completely finished it will have a cute little deck along the front and one side, with tons of storage inside, including a loft. Mike still needs to add the decking – you know I will be posting when he is done…………..cuz when he is I will have more places to decorate for the seasons!!! Eeeekkk!!!
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