That Old Piece of Junk?

Mike and I were at Dad’s digging around in his garage when I spotted this beauty! I said, “OMG!! I love that!!! Dad can I take it home?” His reply, “That old piece of junk?” I could see it going in the man cave isn’t she beautiful?!!!
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I have to admit, this is not how she looked when we brought her home and I had to do a LOT of talking to get Mike to see my vision (out came the pen, paper and a can of persuasion, aka Bud Light)!! Eventually he could see it (not really) and he helped me with the modifications! (confession……..he made the modifications! Me and power tools scare him, remember!)

We added casters from The Home Depot, check them out here to give it more of an industrial feel and removed 4 of the drawers, (this was the part Mike was having trouble with).

This “old piece of junk” is constructed of plywood and angle iron, it’s heavy!! I have no idea what it was originally used for, the light patches on the drawers had some type of markings on them but I couldn’t tell what they said. I could have left it like this, but I wanted it a little darker. I added cherry and walnut stain. I applied cherry stain to the entire piece and walnut stain in spots – to make it appear aged. I finished it up with clear satin poly to protect the wood.

The antique tool box and metal piece (above)came from some of my junkin’ trips (Mike said the metal piece is a fan off something) I don’t know, but I think it’s cool! And the antique toy trucks are toys from my dad too – Aren’t dads cool?! And that beautiful wooden checkerboard……..Mike made it in shop class in high school, guess that makes it an antique too!

Thanks Dad! I love this “old piece of junk”!

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